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Principles of using polyacrylamide
The use of polyacrylamide should follow the following principles:
1. Granular polyacrylamide flocculant cannot be directly added to wastewater. Before use, it must be dissolved in water and its aqueous solution used to treat wastewater.
2. The water used to dissolve granular polymers should be clean (such as tap water), not sewage. Normal temperature water is sufficient and generally does not require heating. Dissolve slowly when the water temperature is below 5 ¡æ. The increase in water temperature accelerates the dissolution rate, but temperatures above 40 ¡æ will accelerate the degradation of polymers, affecting the effectiveness of use. Generally, tap water is suitable for preparing polymer solutions. Strong acid, strong alkali, and high salt water are not suitable for preparation.
3. The recommended concentration for polymer solution is 0.1% -0.3%, which means adding 1g -3g of polymer powder to 1 liter of water.
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